Sustainability Management (University Course)

Course aim and target audience

This university course addresses the topic of sustainable development for organisations in the context of the potential conflicts between economic and ecological demands. Organisations’ responsibilities in the areas of sustainability and CSR while at the same time responding to increasing competitive pressure form one of the most relevant management topics today.
This course is therefore particularly aimed at people with managerial responsibility and/or young professionals with senior management potential who have to deal with environmental/sustainability management problems and resolve them in such a way as to add value.

Course contents and focus

The focus of the contents of the course is on the areas of business administration; management and leadership; and sustainability management, with all its specific issues and challenges. These include: material flow management; Corporate Social Responsibility; environmental management systems and environmental law; and energy management. In so doing, the course takes into account the many aspects of the theme of sustainability.

Great value is attached to equipping students with the knowledge and abilities required to be able to answer and solve the all-important questions connected to managing change in organisations; and likewise, to convince with their ability to lead and to communicate.

The training programme will give the expert knowledge and methods as well as social skills necessary to develop and successfully integrate the topics of ecology/sustainability into business management.
Sustainability management also forms one module of the MBA programme in which interdisciplinary thinking and leadership skills are developed in particular. Explicit practical elements include the use of efficient management instruments and of problem-solving, presentation and chairperson techniques, as well as communication and teamwork.

A bachelor’s degree or five years’ work experience relevant to the course content.

Title “Academic Sustainability Manager”
Certificate in the field of Environmental Management
The certificate is based on the criteria of EN ISO/IEC 17024 and accredited by the Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth